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Monday, October 24, 2016

Saturday Morning Treat

I have a bad habit, and you are welcome to judge me harshly. On Saturday morning, I often enjoy one of these bad boys from a family-owned donut shop a mile from my house as I sip a full mug of steamy black coffee.

Yes, I realize that my deep-fried and glazed blueberry donut appears counterintuitive to the concept of health blogging, but humor me for a moment. I am a firm believer that moderation is the key to my own personal health, both physical and mental. I also sometimes eat a donut on Sunday as well *gasp*, but only after running six to ten miles. And on half marathon days, I eat ALL OF THE THINGS.

I am a big fan of the podcast Happier with Gretchen Rubin. If you have never read her books or listened to her podcast, I highly recommend giving her work some attention. Her second episode posed a fascinating question: "Are you a Moderator or an Abstainer?" Like many of her "get to know yourself better" questions, I was intrigued by the inquiry. Am I the kind of person who, despite best intentions to take only a few bites of a chocolate bar, eats the whole thing in one sitting, or can I enjoy just one square a day and feel satisfied? After pondering this for part of my morning commute (distracted driving = BAD), I realized that the dark chocolate bar actually sitting in the second drawer of my desk was the perfect indicator of my tendency. I can enjoy the chocolate bar over the course of a couple of weeks, which makes me a moderator. If I were an abstainer, my weekly donut indulgence would likely lead to a few-times-per-week or even daily habit. Thus, I would need to abstain from eating donuts all together lest I turn into one myself. Hey, you are what you eat, right?

It was through this realization that I was able to define why an occasional "bad" habit does not send me down a slippery slope of butter ending in a pile of sugar and lard that follow me throughout the rest of the week. I have no struggle enjoying treats in moderation, and my Saturday morning donut provides me ten to fifteen minutes of enjoyment and satisfaction that I feel I deserve after a week of intense activities and healthy foods.

I am curious about the eating habits of other runner/yogi/dancer/swimmer/active types. Do you prefer to follow a healthy diet 99.9% of the time, or are you comfortable enjoying an occasional treat?

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